010523CM0400 Mattson


SPRINGFIELD – State Senator Eric Mattson led a measure through the Senate Thursday to address water shortages in the area while bringing good-paying labor jobs for residents.

“Fresh water is a right and a necessity to live,” Mattson said. “Through strong, organized labor, we will be able to provide clean drinking water to residents while bringing quality jobs to the area.”

The Regional Water Commissions Act was enacted in 2021 to enable communities in the southwest suburban region to form a regional water commission to collaboratively address water shortages. House Bill 5061 allows these communities to utilize alternative project delivery methods such as design-build or construction managers.

This legislation helps commissions who carry out the duties of designing the solution, obtaining financing, completing land acquisition, and building the alternative water supply system, and allows them to set goals and requirements for the use of disadvantaged businesses, minority owned businesses, and local contractors.

“We are looking for ways to assist the communities facing a water shortage, and this legislation gives them more tools to help address the situations while prioritizing the labor force of the area,” Mattson said. “It is vital that we give communities this ability as we look for ways to ensure fresh, usable water to all Illinois residents.”

House Bill 5061 passed the Senate on Thursday.
