Senator Connor


SPRINGFIELD – Legislation sponsored by State Senator John Connor (D-Lockport) to ensure clean water is accessible to all communities was recently advanced out of committee.

“Safe and unpolluted water should be affordable for all families, especially during the ongoing pandemic,” Connor said. “Prioritizing clean water in our communities is prioritizing the health of our local residents.”

Senate Bill 3905 would create the Municipal Water and Wastewater Funding Study Committee to study and make recommendations regarding any necessary changes to Illinois Environmental Protection Agency or Illinois Pollution Control Board policies as they relate to municipal water and wastewater funding across the state.

As Illinois is set to receive federal funding for new water infrastructure later this year, Connor is working to ensure disadvantaged communities receive funds to bring clean, accessible and affordable water to the area.

Recently, an assessment by the city of Joliet revealed that a local aquifer system is being depleted at twice its natural recharge rate and is expected to be fully depleted by 2030 – leading Connor to become even more passionate about bringing accessible water to communities.

“It is our responsibility to make sure our communities have clean drinking water,” Connor said. “Taking care of our resources will benefit not only our families, but the future generations to come.”

Senate Bill 3905 advanced out of the Senate Environment and Conservation Committee last week.
