connor 090121SPRINGFIELD – Upon the passage of landmark legislation that would make Illinois a national leader in clean energy, State Senator John Connor (D-Lockport) released the following statement:

“The people I serve have made clear to me that carbon-free nuclear generating stations are essential not only to the communities in which they reside, but also to moving Illinois to a carbon-free energy future.  As we continue to work toward clean and renewable energy here in Illinois, we also must ensure that our communities have reliable and affordable carbon-free energy until electrical storage systems can make renewables as reliable as current nuclear generation.

“I have been a staunch advocate for Illinois’ nuclear fleet as our state takes steps to become carbon free, as many residents rely on these generating stations for good jobs, school district revenue, and to boost the local economy.

“I am proud to have supported legislation that will preserve tens of thousands of jobs statewide. This is a first step towards a clean and sustainable Illinois.”