
SPRINGFIELD – A new law sponsored by State Senator John Connor (D-Lockport) will help prevent potentially fatal accidents by increasing training requirements for private detectives and private security guards who want to carry firearms.

“Private detectives and security guards who want to carry guns need to be properly trained,” Connor said. “They need to know when and how it is appropriate to use deadly force.”

Existing law required security guards to complete 40 hours of basic training to be licensed as private security contractors. Guards employed by corporations were able to carry weapons without completing the required training if the corporation they work for employs five or less armed guards. The new law would require all armed employees to complete the training and creates even more stringent training requirements for private detectives and private security contractors.

“Everyone who carries a gun as part of their job should be properly trained,” Connor said. “It helps protect them and helps protect our families and communities.”

The law, originally Senate Bill 548, was signed Friday and goes into effect Jan. 1, 2022.