Road work construction


SPRINGFIELD – State Senator John Connor (D-Lockport) is promoting Work Zone Awareness Week in an effort to remind Illinoisans to take extreme caution as the Illinois Department of Transportation begins a new construction season.

“We’re no strangers to construction projects in the Joliet area, and it’s easy to become impatient when those projects are ongoing or we have to drive through a work zone on a day to day basis,” said Connor. “We have to stay alert, though, because even one moment of inattention can cost someone their life.”

Work Zone Awareness Week is meant to honor of those who have died in work zones and to raise awareness going into the summer construction season. Joliet is one of many cities across the state undergoing major construction projects beginning this summer, and residents are encouraged to continue to be wary of work zones even after the close of Work Zone Awareness Week.

“With a little extra patience and diligence, we can ensure that everyone gets home safely at night,” said Connor.

On average, Illinois sees 6,400 work zone crashes every year, resulting in 1,700 injuries and 34 deaths. Those who wish to learn more can visit IDOT’s Work Zone page.
