cpz 090822SPRINGFIELD –State Senator Cristina H. Pacione-Zayas is proud to be appointed to the inaugural Crime Reduction Task Force, a group of legislators working to reduce crime across the state.

“In order to prevent crime in the state, it is important to address the root causes of crime—including the multi-layered forces of systemic oppression, access to mental health resources, and rates of drug use and addiction in our communities,” said Pacione-Zayas (D-Chicago). “I look forward to serving on this task force to bring light to these issues, addressing them, and consequently reducing crime in our communities.” 

The Crime Reduction Task Force will review research and best practices to prevent crime in Illinois. Members will take expert and witness testimony and submit a report detailing its findings, recommendations and needed resources to the General Assembly and Governor by March 1, 2023. Senator Pacione-Zayas is excited to be a part of this task force to address rising rates of crime in her community.

“As a public servant, one of my highest priorities is ensuring public safety for all through establishing statewide systems of care,” Pacione-Zayas said. “By addressing interlocking systems of oppression that create conditions and circumstances that ultimately limit choices and can lead a person to commit a crime, we are laying the foundation for solving root causes. Additionally, we are also helping to identify solutions for mitigating the systemic racism in the criminal legal system individuals may face if found guilty of a crime, such as mistreatment in the prison system, and the ongoing struggle of finding work upon release and ostracization from their community because of their conviction.” 

Senator Pacione-Zayas was appointed to the Crime Reduction Task Force on Sept. 7, 2022.