Senator Pacione-Zayas


CHICAGO – State Senator Cristina Pacione-Zayas (D-Chicago) released a statement following a recently published report revealing the Supreme Court is considering overturning the historic Roe v. Wade case:

“As the chilling news broke last night about a draft majority opinion to overturn the precedent of self-determination for generations of women and people assigned female at birth, I know many, including myself felt nothing short of devastated.  

“Reproductive rights and bodily autonomy are the most basic and fundamental human rights. This is not a drill, nor a test, nor a dress rehearsal—this moment is a rally cry and a defining time that draws a line in history. 

“Should the leaked draft be the final opinion, we are obligated to demonstrate relentlessly at every corner of federal government and lock arms with our sisters and siblings to deliver the codification of Roe v. Wade and demand the end of the filibuster. It is up to us to do the organizing work and apply the pressure, because lives are literally on the line. 

“We have a responsibility to locally coordinate life-saving mutual aid that includes abortion funds, transportation and hospitality for anyone living in and traveling to Illinois who needs access to a safe abortion. Where the Supreme Court has failed reproductive justice, Illinois has not and will not. Where the forces of reactionary backlash attempt to knock us back, Illinois will continue to push forward. 

“I make that commitment today here with the power of women across the state—those who raised us, those who we are raising, and those who we have yet to know. This work is intergenerational, intersectional and imperative. The implications are especially great for women of color, people with limited access to economic resources and transgender or non-binary people. 

“I am grateful to be standing in solidarity with leaders across the state, including the governor, with full knowledge that, although the post-Roe world has not quite arrived, the assuredly successful fight against that world starts now. 

“No court, no man, and no force can hold back the freedom of our bodily autonomy and self-determination. They may attempt to delay, but they cannot hold us back.” 
