State Senator Pacione-Zayas


CHICAGO – As the state and country loosen COVID-19 restrictions, State Senator Cristina Pacione-Zayas (D-Chicago) issued a statement regarding the health concerns associated with the pandemic for children and people who are immunocompromised:

“This past winter, the Omicron surge was responsible for 20% of all child deaths from COVID-19 since the beginning of the pandemic. This statistic instigates the need for continued action as the pandemic continues.

“Because children under five are still unable to get vaccinated, they are at a much higher risk for infection and acute illness, warranting the need for continued masking for them as well as immunocompromised people.

“Schools throughout the district I represent face low vaccination rates, with many not yet hitting 50% of eligible students being vaccinated. As new variants emerge, I am calling on schools and communities to continue to encourage vaccines for those who can get it, as higher vaccination rates are vital to protecting the community at large. Additionally, I encourage people to continue to mask up as an extra layer of protection for themselves and those around them.”

Pacione-Zayas urges students and parents to attend her district office’s last March vaccine clinic at 3140 W. Montrose Ave. on Tuesday, March 22 from 12-5 p.m. These clinics have provided approximately 2,000 vaccines to community members since last year. Find other vaccination opportunities in Chicago using the COVID-19 Vaccine Finder.
