pacione zayas 031721CHICAGO – State Senator Cristina Pacione-Zayas issued a statement following last week’s federal court decision in Texas blocking the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program from taking any new applications:

“Judge Andrew Hanen’s ruling last Friday is yet another egregious attempt to rip the opportunity away for a pathway to citizenship, safety, and protection from hundreds of thousands of people who came to this country as a result of broken U.S. foreign policy.

“DACA protects undocumented child immigrants and allows them to work in the United States, pursue educational goals, and ultimately give them a chance to make their own way in this country.

“This decision is just another painful reminder of why the federal government needs to act with urgency and expediency about designing and implementing a permanent solution that is a comprehensive pathway to citizenship for all undocumented immigrants beyond DACA recipients.

“I stand with all the immigrants in the 20th District and beyond. I see you. I hear you. I promise to continue to work to represent you in this state, and I urge Congress and the president to act as soon as possible to protect the millions of people who are entitled to safety, resources, and ability to openly contribute to reimagining this country as one that works towards our collective liberation.”