pacione zayas 060221SPRINGFIELD – State Senator Cristina Pacione-Zayas (D-Chicago) issued the following statement on the passage of a state budget that fully funds a $350 million increase to school Evidence-Based Funding, level funding for Illinois universities and community colleges, and a $110 million investment toward opening pathways for the early childhood workforce to pursue credentials, associate’s, and bachelor’s degrees:

“Despite so many challenges, the General Assembly was able to come together to ensure schools will receive increased funding according to the Evidence-Based Funding formula, and universities will be fully funded. Especially now, as we face a year where many students will be returning to school in-person for the first time, we have to fulfill our promise as a state to provide a high-quality education.

“In a time when schools and universities have adapted to the realities of a debilitating pandemic, this funding is even more crucial. These critical resources will extend a lifeline to students, faculty, and families.

“In the days ahead, I am eager to speak to residents of the 20th Senate District about the particulars of this spending plan and how it will affect them and to urge the governor to act swiftly to sign these appropriations into law.”