johnson 081524SPRINGFIELD – After realizing the dire need for a new building, State Senator Adriane Johnson led a new law to expedite the process of constructing a new elementary school for North Chicago.

“It’s easy to see the construction of a new school is a more efficient solution than continuing to pour funds into rehabilitating the current building,” said Johnson (D-Buffalo Grove).  “We need to create safe and well-equipped schools, and this law will allow that to happen sooner rather than later.”

The new law allows North Chicago District 187 to move forward with a new building on the most efficient timeline possible by bypassing public referendum requirements — saving the district critical resources and time.

The current school building does not have drinkable water due to high levels of lead in the pipes, in addition to needing asbestos installation repair.

Twenty-five percent of North Chicago District 187 sits on federal land and has been awarded a number of federal grants to aid in the construction of a new school. The federal grant will cover 80% of all eligible costs for the construction of a new school with the remaining 20% of costs coming from a blend of state assistance, philanthropic dollars and approved bond revenues.

“Students spend so much of their time here, and we cannot continue to risk their health and well-being,” said Johnson. “Bypassing the referendum to begin this process sooner is simply the right thing to do. We owe students a safe learning environment.”

Senate Bill 464 was signed into law Friday and is effective immediately.