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WAUKEGAN – State Senator Adriane Johnson is leading a measure to expand cancer research.

“Almost every person knows someone who has been diagnosed or lost their life due to cancer,” said Johnson (D-Buffalo Grove). “We must do everything in our power to provide better treatment, research, and services to help combat this illness.”

In Illinois alone, more that 74,000 new cases of cancer are estimated to be diagnosed this year. According to American Cancer Society more than 23,000 people are projected to die in 2023 with 5,000 as a result of lung and bronchus cancer. Johnson’s measure would expand research in order to answer specific questions about the safety of treatment, vaccines, therapy, medical devices and much more.

“We must expand our research so we can understand how to better treat this disease,” said Johnson. “Knowing how a disease effects people demographically and individually will help improve treatment and chances of survival.”

Senate Bill 1774 passed the Public Health Committee on Tuesday and will head to the Senate floor for further deliberation.
