johnson 010723SPRINGFIELD – In an effort to ensure equitable and affordable housing in Illinois, State Senator Adriane Johnson supported a measure to increase the Rental Housing Support Program’s budget.  

“In today’s climate many people are struggling to meet basic necessities such as monthly rent,” said Johnson (D-Buffalo Grove). “It’s imperative that we funnel funding back into our communities through programs such as Illinois Rental Housing Support Program in order to better assist our neighbors in meeting those needs."

Since 2005, the Rental Housing Support Program has provided rental assistance to households by subsidizing rental apartments and homes. As a participant in this program, a family with limited economic resources only has to pay 30% of their rent when living in complexes who are partnered with RHSP, with RHSP paying the remainder to the landlord. RHSP paying the difference allows families to live in affordable homes and helps them from experiencing poverty. The increase in funding will ensure the continued success of this program.

In addition the measure also creates the Illinois Rental Housing Support Program Funding Allocation Task Force to study and provide solutions on the matter of the equitable distribution of rental housing support funds throughout the state.

“Working families and those on fixed incomes deserve to have affordable homes,” said Johnson. “I believe this will be an improvement and provide relief for many Illinois households.”

House Bill 3878 passed the Senate Friday and now heads to the governor for consideration.