johnson 052522SPRINGFIELD - In the midst of Pancreatic Cancer Awareness Month, State Senator Adriane Johnson reminds Illinois residents the importance of cancer screenings and preventative measures.

“This month, as we remember those who have succumbed to the disease, it is necessary that we also remember to do our part and get screened,” said Johnson (D- Buffalo Grove). “Early detection is proven to increase the chances of survival.”

Last year, Johnson passed Senate Bill 968, which requires Illinois health insurance providers to cover medically necessary pancreatic cancer screenings. She has been a constant advocate of reminding people the importance of early detection of pancreatic cancer.

“As cases for pancreatic cancer continue to emerge, I will work diligently to ensure that Illinois residents have affordable and accessible screenings,” said Johnson. “Access to these screenings can be life changing.”

The number of new cases and deaths to pancreatic cancer continues to increase at a steady rate. In 2022, research estimates 62,210 new cases of pancreatic cancer will emerge in the U.S. and about 49,830 deaths. While some risk factors can be changed such as weight and smoking, other risk including age, family history, and race cannot.

To learn more about early detection visit