education2 011121SPRINGFIELD – Following more than a century of systemic racism and inequality in schools across the state and nation, State Senator Adriane Johnson (D-Buffalo Grove) helped pass a measure that will expand resources to marginalized students and reform education policies that disproportionately harm minority students.

“For far too long, children have faced systemic racism and inequities within their school systems,” Johnson said. “We cannot undo more than a century of systemic racism within schools without a complete overhaul of education programs.”

House Bill 2170, the education pillar of the Illinois Black Caucus’ legislative agenda, does a number of things to rid the state of systemic racism in schools, including creating an inclusive American history curriculum to reform the Black history curriculum and curriculums for teaching about other minority groups.

It also creates a Whole Child Task Force to address trauma in children and create an equitable, inclusive, safe and supportive environment for all children, in addition to working to increase minority teacher representation.

“Access to high quality education should be available for every student – no matter their ZIP code, socioeconomic background or the color of their skin. It’s so important for children to be in an environment where they see people who look like them and understand them,” Johnsons said. “Today is a monumental day – one that will give young boys and girls an opportunity to succeed and know they are worthy.”

The measure, co-sponsored by Senator Johnson, passed the Senate Monday. It now heads to the House for further consideration.