drinks 040521CHICAGO – State Senator Sara Feigenholtz’s (D-Chicago) plan to allow third parties to deliver spirits and wine from package stores to adult consumers was signed into law Friday.

“During the COVID-19 pandemic, more consumers than ever are taking advantage of grocery delivery options because they want to enjoy their favorite products – including spirits – from the safety of home,” Feigenholtz said. “This new law streamlines the delivery process for consumers and sets clear accountability standards for vendors meeting this demand.”

Feigenholtz sponsored Senate Bill 54 so that a person living outside of Chicago can order groceries – including alcohol – for home delivery from a store in Chicago without having to worry whether or not both local governments permit the delivery.

This new law allows retailers to utilize the services of a third-party facilitator by means of the internet or a mobile app to facilitate the sale of alcohol. Third-party facilitators are required to be licensed and must comply with recordkeeping requirements.

“Small businesses are the heart and soul of our community. This law will make it easier for suburban residents to patronize our local shops and businesses safely,” Feigenholtz said.

The governor signed the measure into law Friday, and it takes effect immediately.