feigenholtz 011221SPRINGFIELD – In response to the hard hitting impact of the pandemic, State Senator Sara Feigenholtz (D-Chicago) crafted, sponsored and passed a relief package to provide a lifeline to a struggling industry.

“In May, we passed a bill allowing cocktail delivery for the bar and restaurant industry, which helped them recoup some of the lost income caused by COVID-19,” Feigenholtz said. “Today we extended this ability to other retail establishments. Alcohol sales make up a large portion of revenue for our eating, drinking and retail establishments."

House Bill 3393, known as the COVID-19 Hospitality Recovery Act, extends the quickly-approaching sunset on cocktail delivery, permits retailers to use credit cards for payment to distributors, and crafts a limited exemption on indirect donations for not-for-profit entities of fixtures and equipment. The package also clarifies laws around permitted delivery.

“These are common sense policies crafted with a great deal of input from industry stakeholders,” Feigenholtz said. “When this legislation becomes law,  it will provide restaurants, bars and retailers with additional tools for cash management, as well as flexibility to indirectly accept items such as tents, warmers and other equipment needed to attract customers to outdoor dining.”

The package passed the Senate with unanimous support, and will be sent to the House for a concurrence vote.