villanueva 031224SPRINGFIELD — To further promote both public Illinois State Universities and community colleges, State Senator Celina Villanueva pushed legislation through the Senate Higher Education Committee to allow the waiver of admission application fees for a student transferring from an Illinois public community college.

“Students in their last semester of their program should have the ability to transfer without the unnecessary obstacles of application fees,” said Villanueva (D-Chicago). “While most institutions have a fee waiver process for low-income students, this process varies by institution and usually requires verification.”

Senate Bill 3081 states that the board of trustees of each public university shall waive any admission application fees for a student transferring from an Illinois public community college if the transferring student is enrolled in the last semester of a degree program and is on schedule to graduate with a degree.

“Imagine all the barriers it takes to not only continue your education but transfer to a new school as a Pell recipient,” said Villanueva. “I believe this measure is added incentive for students to transfer to public universities.”

Senate Bill 3081 passed out of the Senate Higher Education Committee and heads to the full Senate for further consideration.