Villanueva april 26


SPRINGFIELD – State Senator Celina Villanueva brought forth legislation that would allow charter schools to unionize without being penalized by management of the charter school.

“Employees of charter schools deserve the same rights and protections as those who work at public schools,” said Villanueva (D-Chicago). “Their voices matter and must be uplifted.”

House Bill 1120 is an initiative of the Chicago Teachers' Union that seeks to ensure that if the staff at a charter school chooses to form a union, the management of the charter school would not interfere.

“By implementing this legislation, we are strengthening the respect and relationship between charter schools and its employees,” said Villanueva. “The best way to retain high quality teachers is through allowing them the rights they deserve.”

House Bill 1120 passed in the Senate Labor Committee and is headed to the Senate for further consideration.
