Villanueva March session1

Senator Villanueva championed legislation to bring more qualified computer science and art teachers to Chicago Public Schools, creating better learning opportunities throughout the district.  

“CPS – like many school districts across the state – are facing a workforce shortage,” said Villanueva (D-Chicago). “Unfortunately, the first classes to be sacrificed are often electives like the arts. We need to uplift our educators in order to uplift our students.”

House Bill 2442 would increase the amount of computer science and art teachers in CPS. CPS says there are not enough teachers endorsed to teach these classes to meet district needs. To tackle this issue, Villanueva’s measure would allow licensed employees to receive additional training – or endorsements – through a pilot program within the district, allowing them to teach other classes, such as computer science and art classes.

“By implementing this legislation, we are improving the quality of education CPS students receive,” said Villanueva. “In order to determine a better future for our students, we have to make sure educators have the professional development tools they need.”

House Bill 2442 passed in the Senate Education Committee and is headed to the Senate for further consideration.
