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CHICAGO – State Senator Celina Villanueva (D-Chicago) released the following statement in response to the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade – depriving millions of women of their right to choose:

“Today’s decision by the nation’s top court is a direct attack on women and their access to health care. I am disheartened, devastated and angry that the court took advantage of their power for their own political agenda – causing harm to millions of women. This decision won’t stop abortion – it will stop safe abortion. Women across the country will be forced to go to grave and unspeakable lengths to access this type of care. That’s sickening.

“While Illinois remains a beacon of hope as women will still be able to practice their right to choose, that will no longer be the case for people living in nearly half the states. To those women: We see you and we are here for you.”
