villanueva 080221AURORA – To protect the wellbeing of immigrant communities, Illinois will reinstate the Immigrant Impact Task Force thanks to a new law introduced by State Senator Celina Villanueva (D-Chicago).

“This task force will help determine where improvements can be made in how the state invests in immigrant communities,” Villanueva said. “We must address systemic disinvestment in our communities across the state and continue building a recovery that works for all Illinoisans, regardless of status.”

The law reinstates and expands the Illinois Immigrant Impact Task Force, which ended at the start of 2021. The task force will examine where the state can improve relations and services in immigrant communities, the impact of the pandemic, disbursement of funds to immigrant communities, practices of Immigration and Customs Enforcement in the state among other issues.

The task force will consist of 28 members, including representatives from the Departments of Commerce and Economic Opportunity, Education, Human Services and Juvenile Justice. Community-based organizations that serve immigrant populations would also be represented in the task force.

Senate Bill 2665 is effective immediately, and the task force will report its findings on or before May 31, 2022.