fire gear 070220PARK FOREST – The Braceville Fire Protection District will receive more than $20,000 in state grants for new equipment, State Senator Patrick Joyce (D-Park Forest) announced Wednesday.  

“Because of the pandemic, many local fire departments were unable to hold fundraisers to make money for equipment,” Joyce said. “These grants will help departments purchase lifesaving equipment, so they can quickly respond to emergencies in our community.” 

Braceville Fire Protection District has been awarded $21,690.

The Office of the Illinois State Fire Marshal awarded the grant to give Illinois first responders the opportunity to replace or upgrade aging equipment they may otherwise not be able to purchase.  

The program is an innovative approach to a problem that has long caused difficulties for fire departments and not-for-profit ambulance services in the state, particularly those that struggle to generate the necessary revenue for small equipment, such as air-packs and portable radios.

In total, the Office of the Illinois State Fire Marshal awarded $3.5 million in grants to 154 fire departments, fire districts and EMS providers. A complete list of grant recipients can be found here.