Senator Joyce


SPRINGFIELD – State Senator Patrick Joyce (D-Essex) advanced a measure on Thursday to potentially save the Illinois Commerce Commission thousands of dollars, on a cost typically passed on to ratepayers.

“This is common sense legislation that will save money,” said Joyce. “I will continue to find ways to reduce government spending.” 

Under current law, the Illinois Commerce Commission is required to notify landowners via registered mail when a utility has applied for a certificate of public convenience and necessity to construct a high voltage electric service line across the landowner's property. Registered mail costs start at $13.75.

This legislation requires the ICC to provide a landowner notice via certified mail, rather than registered mail, of a utility's plan to construct a high voltage electric service line across their property. The cost of certified mail starts at $3.75.

“Certified mail is a commonly accepted practice to provide notice in the business world, and I don’t see any good reason why we wouldn’t make this change.” 

HB 4383 advanced through Senate Energy and Public Utilities and awaits further consideration before the full Senate.
