Senator Joyce


SPRINGFIELD – State Senator Patrick Joyce (D-Essex) measure to support first responders via a tax check-off passed the Illinois Senate on Wednesday.

“First responders put their lives on the line for our community and we should have an easier option to give back,” Joyce said.

House Bill 4161 aims to increase donations to the 100 Club of Illinois by making a convenient donation option on individual state income tax returns. The 100 Club of Illinois is a nonprofit that provides resources, financial support, training and moral support to both the families of first responders killed in the line of duty and active duty first responders. All sworn federal, state, county and local first responders stationed in Illinois are included.

“This gives people a much greater opportunity to assist,” Joyce said. “This will be an easy way to expand the good work the Hundred Club provides.”

Current law provides similar donation options on state individual tax returns for the following funds: Wildlife Preservation Fund; Alzheimer's Disease Research, Care, and Support Fund; Assistance to the Homeless Fund; Diabetes Research Fund; Hunger Relief Fund; and Ronald McDonald House Charities Fund.

“The 100 Club of Illinois has been serving the first responder community for more than 55 years. We are grateful for the opportunity to further promote the mission of the Club,” said 100 Club of Illinois CEO Caitlyn Brennan. “Funds brought in through this program will assist the Club in providing support to the families of our fallen heroes and the larger first responder community of Illinois.”

HB 4161 passed the Senate Revenue Committee and awaits further consideration before the full Senate. 
