Grain bin safety joyce

Grain Bin Safety Week is February 20-26


KANKAKEE – To prevent fatalities on the farm during the busy harvest season, Senate Agriculture Committee chair Patrick Joyce (D-Essex) is joining officials in reminding farmers and farm workers to be cautious when working in and around grain bins.

“There is a responsibility that comes with living in a rural area, we have to continue to take care of friends and neighbors” Joyce said. “With delayed emergency response times, it is crucial to review all safety precautions.”

While essential to Illinois’ harvests, grain handling equipment and storage containers can quickly become dangerous. In 2020, Illinois Fire Departments responded to a nation leading 12 rescue incidents at Illinois grain bins and elevators.

“Often times we become complacent when doing tasks we have done a thousand times and for farmers that often means working in and around grain bins,” said IDOA Director, Jerry Costello II.  “Unfortunately, problems involving flowing grain can snowball quickly. That’s why it’s important to set aside time to go over safety measures, to prepare farmers for a potential grain bin emergency.”

To learn safety tips and find additional information to stay safe during harvest, click here
