Sen. Patrick Joyce

SPRINGFIELD – A measure introduced by State Senator Patrick Joyce (D-Essex) aims to maximize Illinois’ ability to capture federal funding for broadband under the federal Infrastructure Investments and Jobs Act.

“There will be billions of federal dollars across the country available for broadband expansion,” Joyce said. “This bill not only safeguards how those funds are spent, but it also puts a plan in place to grow the federal dollars flowing into Illinois.”

Under IIJA, if Illinois applies for federal dollars to assist with broadband expansion, they are only guaranteed an initial allotment of $100 million. This measure tasks DCEO with administering a grant program to distribute the broadband dollars. Funds are distributed based on a state’s demonstrated need for broadband infrastructure in unserved and underserved areas, and the State’s ability to deploy such services.

“This opportunity will help Illinois expand its broadband network in communities across the state,” Joyce said. “Closing the digital divide in underserved areas will give our children access to more opportunities.”

Senate Bill 3683 passed the Senate Executive Committee Wednesday and awaits further consideration.