Sen. Patrick Joyce

SPRINGFIELD – To modernize the way the Illinois State Police processes and issues FOID cards and concealed carry licenses, State Senator Patrick Joyce (D-Essex) supported FOID modernization legislation which would speed up processing and improve public safety.

“One of the top issues I have heard about during my time in the Senate is the huge backlog of applications for folks trying to renew their FOID cards,” Joyce said. “This legislation streamlines the process, brings down the backlog and focuses more resources on enforcement.”

The bill seeks to protect communities by enhancing existing background check protocols—a measure meant to more effectively ensure that firearms are kept out of the wrong hands.

For gun owners with a history of safe and responsible ownership, the legislation would offer the option to apply for an automatically renewing FOID card by voluntarily submitting fingerprints. FOID cards and concealed carry licenses would also be condensed into one document and license holders could opt for a digital copy, making it easier for gun owners to keep their licenses with them at all times.

“It’s clear that the system currently in place is not working, and it’s long past time to get the Illinois State Police back on track in a way that supports law-abiding gun owners,” Joyce said. “I’m proud to see this legislation advance.” 

House Bill 562 passed the Senate with a vote of 40-17.