Senator Joyce


SPRINGFIELD – In an effort to give the residents of Pembroke Township the ability to heat their homes more affordably, State Senator Patrick Joyce (D-Essex) moved legislation that would help bring a natural gas pipeline to the area.

“For years, the residents of Pembroke have suffered from a lack of resources and lack of investment, and they deserve better,” Joyce said. “I’ve worked alongside the people and leaders of Pembroke to solve this problem, and we’ve reached an agreement to make residents’ lives easier and safer.” 

This legislation creates the Pembroke Township Natural Gas Investment Pilot Program, which would allow Nicor Gas to extend its gas service territory to serve Pembroke Township.

At a December 2019 meeting, Nicor officials identified 400 homes and 22 businesses in the village for service in the project, estimated to cost $8 million.

While residents would be able to opt in or out of service, Joyce secured $1 million in state funding last year to enable Pembroke Township residents to take advantage of these new service lines. Through the Pembroke Township Natural Gas Investment Fund, the Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity would distribute grants to residents to help cover the cost of converting stoves, heaters and other appliances to be compatible with natural gas.

“The Pembroke community has waited long enough for this basic need,” Joyce said. “With the advancement of this transformative legislation, Pembroke residents will soon have adequate living conditions and the necessary resources to keep warm.” 

“Extending natural gas service to our neighbors in Pembroke Township will not only offer residents safe, affordable and clean energy, but it will also encourage economic development, attract new businesses and create jobs,” said State Representative Jackie Haas (R-Kankakee), the sponsor of the bill in the House. “I am grateful for the opportunity to work collaboratively with Sen. Joyce on this effort—across the aisle and the chambers of state government.”

House Bill 3404 passed the Senate with a vote 45-3-2.  
