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COAL CITY – State Senator Patrick Joyce (D-Essex) recently honored 22 local high school students who were named 2021-22 Illinois State Scholars by the Illinois Student Assistance Commission.

Illinois State Scholar winners rank in approximately the top 10% of the state’s high school seniors from 676 high schools in all 102 counties. Selection is based on a combination of standardized test scores and class rank or unweighted GPA at the end of the student’s junior year. ISAC works in conjunction with the students’ high school guidance counselors to determine the winners.

“I am thrilled to recognize and congratulate these students from our community for this well-deserved honor,” Joyce said. “This group of scholars is incredibly inspiring, as they have persisted through unprecedented changes in learning. I’m so proud of their commitment and dedication.”

The ISAC recognized Scholars from across the 40th District, including students from Coal City and South Wilmington high schools in Grundy County.

Recipients of the award will receive a congratulatory letter from ISAC, and a Certificate of Achievement will be sent to their high school. State Scholars will also receive a digital badge issued by ISAC that can be displayed on online profiles, exhibited on social media, and shared with prospective colleges and employers.

“The Illinois State Scholar program recognizes these students’ outstanding academic achievement and will be a great boost to their college applications,” Joyce said.

More information about the State Scholar program can be found at ISAC’s website.
