Sen. Patrick Joyce

SPRINGFIELD – An initiative by State Senator Patrick Joyce (D-Essex) to prevent children’s lemonade stands from being shut down for not having a permit cleared the Illinois Senate Wednesday. 

The legislation was inspired by 12-year-old Hayli Martinez, whose lemonade stand in Kankakee was flagged by local officials and shut down.

“I once was a kid with a dream to own a business, and the current law discourages our young entrepreneurs – it’s time to stick up for them,” Joyce said. “Opening a lemonade stand is a rite of passage for any child – this legislation allows our youth to be innovative while making some extra money.”

Under this measure, the Illinois Department of Public Health, a local health department or public health district could not regulate the sale of lemonade or non-alcoholic drinks or mixed beverages by a person under the age of 16 years. This bill would also prevent authorities from requiring a permit for children to sell lemonade on private properties or in a public park.

Joyce introduced this legislation in 2020 after hearing Hayli’s story from a concerned constituent. The measure lost momentum due to the pandemic, but Joyce reintroduced it this year.

Senate Bill 119 passed the Illinois Senate and heads to the Illinois House for further debate.