joyce 032621KANKAKEE – In honor of National Agriculture Week, Senate Agriculture Chairman Patrick Joyce (D-Essex) is celebrating the hard work and dedication of local farmers and agricultural workers.

“Agriculture is Illinois’ number-one industry and provides almost everything we eat, use and wear on a daily basis,” said Joyce, a fourth-generation farmer. “This week is a tremendous opportunity to educate consumers and remind folks just how important the industry is.” 

Joyce praised the farmers and ranchers who worked overtime to make sure they were able to put food on Illinois families’ tables during the pandemic. In addition, Joyce recognized the dedicated animals that work alongside farmers every day and help them with daily tasks, such as plowing the field, transporting food and cultivating the soil. 

To celebrate National Agriculture Week, Joyce encourages people to show gratitude to farmers by supporting local farmers markets or making charitable donations to area farms.

“We can never take for granted the work our agriculture producers do,” Joyce said. “Join me in celebrating our agriculture community and all the contributions they make to our communities.”