Senator JoyceSPRINGFIELD – Increasing access to health care, improving the agriculture industry, and making investments in education are priorities for State Senator Patrick Joyce (D-Essex), who was sworn in today for his first full term in the Illinois Senate.

“After a difficult year, there is a great deal of work to be done in Springfield to improve the quality of life for everyone in the 40th District,” Joyce said. “I am prepared to meet those challenges head on, and I’m ready to get to work.”

Joyce, a Democrat from Essex, was appointed to the Senate in 2019 and stood for election in November. He represents the 40th District, which includes portions of southland, as well as a majority of Kankakee County, an eastern portion of Will County, and southeastern Grundy County.

His top goals include making the health care system easier to navigate and more supportive for those suffering from serious illness, ensuring that everyone has access to clean and affordable drinking water, and reducing class sizes throughout the state.

Joyce strives to keep everyone updated with the most helpful and accurate information, and encourages people to reach out to his office at 708-756-0882 or via his website with questions and concerns.

This week marks the start of the 102nd General Assembly.