pexels christina morillo 1181690PARK FOREST - In celebration of National Women’s Small Business Month, State Senator Patrick Joyce (D-Essex) is encouraging residents to nominate local female business owners to recognize for their leadership and service to residents.

“This is a great time to celebrate the growth and accomplishments of female entrepreneurs, as well as raise awareness of the importance of women-owned businesses,” Joyce said. “My goal this month is to shine a spotlight on those businesses and business owners.”

Nominations can be submitted to Sen. Joyce’s office by emailing This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and providing a name, business title and reason for recognition.

The Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity is hosting a series of webinars specifically targeted to female small business owners to offer support and resources for success. For more information, visit DCEO’s website.

“As the holiday season nears, supporting small businesses is a terrific way to find unique gifts while supporting our local economy,” Joyce said.