villa johnson 012725CHICAGO – Members of the executive leadership of the Illinois Senate Progressive Caucus are standing together to denounce hateful action taken by the new federal administration.

"Attacks on diversity, equity and inclusion are direct assaults on the very communities that form the backbone of our state," said Progressive Caucus Co-Chair Adriane Johnson (D-Buffalo Grove). "History has taught us a painful lesson: when they target one group, they threaten us all. What will begin with migrants will extend to the Black community, to women, and to countless others who have built the foundation of Illinois.”


"The foundation of Illinois' working class was laid by the very people now under attack – our minority communities who have shown unwavering strength,” said Progressive Caucus Co-Chair Karina Villa (D-West Chicago). “We join forces to protect the resilient families who have always been the bedrock of our state's prosperity and progress."


Members of the executive leadership of the Illinois Senate Progressive Caucus released the following joint statement:

“The strength of America comes from our diverse cultures, voices and dreams. From our nation’s start, generations of trailblazers have fought to ensure that all people could pursue a better quality of life and happiness. 

A week into the new federal administration’s rule, we have witnessed a blatant disregard for the Constitution with the challenging of birthright citizenship and numerous executive orders that attempt to eliminate decades worth of progress that our minority communities have tirelessly fought for.

We will not stand for the attack on the very ideals that guided our country, and we will not stand for hate, bigotry or racism.

We will, however, stand united – as a group of people from those diverse cultures, voices and dreams – to protect our shared values and ensure that every person in Illinois can live with dignity and respect.

The executive leadership of the Illinois Senate Progressive Caucus stands in solidarity with our neighbors utilizing litigation as a method of resistance to ensure that our liberties granted to us by the constitution and state law – regardless of immigration status, sexual orientation, gender identity or race – are not undermined.

As state legislators, we will continue to assess the actions taken by the new administration, and protect and advance the rights of all Illinois residents through adjusting our laws. We will not be shaken by these actions that have incited fear and anxiety in our communities.”

The executive leadership of the Illinois Senate Progressive Caucus includes co-chairs Senator Karina Villa and Senator Adrianne Johnson, Senator Mary Edly-Allen and Senator Mark Walker.