joyce agday 031324SPRINGFIELD — Today, members of the Illinois Senate Democratic Caucus commemorated the 54th annual Illinois Agriculture Legislative Day, highlighting the importance of supporting farmers and the state’s agricultural industry.

Organized by the Illinois Department of Agriculture, this daylong event serves as a platform for industry stakeholders to engage directly with legislators, discussing issues impacting agriculture and rural communities.

"Our farmers are the backbone of our communities,” said State Senator Doris Turner (D-Springfield).  “This is an opportunity to build partnerships that support those who feed us, build our economy and supply locally sourced products throughout our communities.”

Illinois Agriculture Legislative Day offers a platform for agricultural groups and organizations to discuss the impact the industry has on the state's economy and communities. This day gives stakeholders the opportunity to share with legislators the diverse challenges and opportunities facing the agricultural sector, while highlighting the role agri-businesses has in driving local economies and sustaining rural livelihoods.

“As a fourth-generation farmer, Ag Day at the Capitol is always one of my favorites,” said State Senator Patrick Joyce (D-Essex). “Being able to meet and talk with current FFA members and other agriculture groups and stakeholders makes me thrilled to see all of the passion that goes into this industry. This day continues to make me proud of my roots and to be a strong advocate for agriculture in Illinois.”

"On Ag Day, we come together to brainstorm new ways of supporting our farmers and ensuring farm-to-table accessibility across Illinois," said State Senator Dave Koehler (D-Peoria). "A sincere thank you goes out to our hardworking Illinois farmers for their efforts in bringing locally sourced products to our communities every single day."

Senate Democrats remain committed to advancing policies that support the agricultural industry and local economies, as well as continue Illinois’ leadership in the agricultural sector.