link 04122019CM0607rINDIAN HILLS – The state budget signed into law today by Gov. JB Pritzker preserves essential services that Illinoisans need most during the COVID-19 pandemic, State Senator Terry Link (D-Indian Hills) says.

“We returned to Springfield last month to ensure our state’s most important resources remain available for its residents, and that’s what’s in this budget,” Link said. “People are struggling, and now isn’t the time to make cuts that would eliminate services – not when people need them most.”

Illinois’ Fiscal Year 2021 budget includes full funding for P-12 education, a total investment of $12.6 billion. That includes $7.2 billion for the state’s evidence-based funding system, ensuring that school districts won’t be receiving less in state funding than last year.

The budget also holds funding flat for the state’s public colleges and universities, ensuring they won’t be forced to make steep cuts and eliminate services. 

Further, the spending plan once again makes Illinois’ full required pension payment.

“This budget provides stability in the face of the unprecedented challenges the people of Illinois are facing as a result of COVID-19,” Link said. “I’m glad we were able to retain critical services that will help Illinois residents cope with this pandemic.”