Sen. Terry Link

SPRINGFIELD – Childhood sexual abuse victims would be reaffirmed in their right to bring civil charges against their perpetrator and those who fraudulently concealed their crime under a proposal sponsored by State Senator Terry Link (D-Indian Creek) that was signed into law yesterday by Gov. Pritzker.

“Childhood sexual abuse is a trauma that most of us cannot even fathom,” Link said. “While healing may take years or even decades, confronting an accuser is often an integral part of the healing process for survivors. Our laws should reflect our values that victims and their rights should be protected.”

Link’s new law – which passed under Senate Bill 1868 – reaffirms the ability of victims of childhood sexual abuse cases to bring a civil claim against an abuser or an individual who fraudulently concealed the crime. The law will ensure victims are able to recoup civil damages if there is evidence that their perpetrator intentionally tried to conceal the crime.

Link introduced the proposal after a report issued by former Attorney General Lisa Madigan in December of 2018 revealed accusations of child sexual abuse against nearly 700 Catholic priests throughout Illinois.

In 2013, Link passed a law eliminating the statute of limitations on bringing civil claims for damages from childhood sexual abuse.

“While it is impossible to go back in time and prevent these horrific crimes from occurring, we should be doing everything in our power to seek justice for these individuals,” Link said.

Senate Bill 1868 was signed yesterday and goes into effect immediately.