Sen. Mattie Hunter

CHICAGO – State Senator Mattie Hunter (D-Chicago) championed a newly-signed law that will ensure the provisions in the Equal Pay Act are fully implemented.

“On average, white women make 82 cents for every dollar men make, and women of color make even less than that. This has always been unacceptable – and continues to be,” Hunter said. “In order to create true equity across state structures, we must guarantee that everyone is paid the same rates for the same work.”

During January session, the General Assembly passed Senate Bill 1480, part of the Black Caucus’ Economic Access, Equity and Opportunity Pillar. This bill created an Equal Pay Registration Certificate requirement for businesses with more than 100 employees in Illinois.

The Equal Pay Act was signed into law by the governor in March. 

However, during the regular spring session, Hunter led Senate Bill 1847, which makes minor changes to the Equal Pay Act’s application submission dates and to the equal pay compliance statement requirements.

With these changes, the underlying statute will be more enforceable and more straightforward for all parties by clarifying the responsibilities of businesses, detailing how the applications should be processed by the department, and clarifying which information will be available to certain parties.

“I am happy that we have passed the Equal Pay Act as part of the Black Caucus’s innovative pillars, and I am also happy that we were able to amend it so that this act would be more enforceable,” Hunter said. “There should be no barriers when it comes to equal pay, and this measure will help ensure that.”

This measure is effective immediately.