Sen. Mattie Hunter

SPRINGFIELD – State Senator Mattie Hunter (D-Chicago) retained her leadership position as Majority Caucus Chair of the Illinois Senate Democratic Caucus.

“I am happy to continue serving as Majority Caucus Chair for the Democratic Caucus,” Hunter said. “I will continue to work with my colleagues to develop policies that better the lives of our constituents across the state.”

Hunter has represented the 3rd District for nearly 20 years and has passed over 200 bills concerning breast cancer, childhood vaccines, youth employment, environmental issues and education.

Since being named Majority Caucus Chair in January 2018, Hunter has enjoyed the opportunity to get to know her colleagues more as individuals, as well as their families and what their district needs are.

“I remain committed to the issues of public safety, creating economic opportunities, expanding access to health care and eradicating systemic injustice, not only for the constituents I represent, but for the entire population of Illinois,” Hunter said.