black businesswoman 100820CHICAGO – To discuss the structural challenges Black entrepreneurs face in commerce, Senate Financial Institutions Committee Chair Jacqueline Collins and Senate Executive Committee Chair Mattie Hunter will lead a joint Senate committee hearing today.

“Our goal in this ongoing series of hearings is to honestly and completely frame the problem of racial discrimination in Illinois as the basis for the Illinois Legislative Black Caucus’ legislative agenda,” said Collins (D-Chicago). “This must include a look at what challenges Black-owned enterprises face.”

“It is important for Black businesses to be equipped with the tools necessary to succeed, and overcome the obstacles set against them,” said Hunter (D-Chicago). “We need to take a deep look at the discrimination Black business owners face and ensure they are on an equal playing field.” 

Economic access is among the four policy pillars the Black Caucus is using as a foundation of their developing agenda. They include:

  1. Criminal justice reform, violence reduction and police accountability
  2. Education and workforce development
  3. Economic access, equity and opportunity
  4. Health care and human services

Additional witnesses can submit written testimony online at

To watch the virtual committee, visit and click "Watch Live Virtual Committee Video." The link will be available at 1 p.m.