jazzclub 091720CHICAGO — During the first wave of Business Interruption Grants Chicago businesses received more than $3 million in financial assistance. The second wave of grants opened Thursday, and State Senator Mattie Hunter (D-Chicago) is urging eligible businesses to apply.

“I was encouraged by the results of the first wave of BIG grants, and I’m hoping that other Southside businesses can receive similar assistance this time around,” Hunter said. “Any business that has faced financial hardships stemming from the pandemic should apply as soon as possible.”

Grants in the first round ranged from $10,000 to $20,000 to assist businesses with expenses like payroll costs, rent, utilities, equipment, and other possible unexpected costs to relieve the effects of the pandemic. 

The second wave of grants will aid businesses such as movie theatres, performing arts venues, and concert venues as well as other for-profit and non-profit businesses with a total of $220 million in allocated funds to help them push through these hard times. 

To ensure funds are distributed across the state and across business types, $60 million has been specifically allocated for heavily distressed industries, including indoor recreation facilities and amusement parks.

Another $70 million has been set aside for businesses located in disproportionately impacted areas, or low-income areas that have experienced high rates of COVID-19, including businesses located in the 60616 ZIP code. A full list of eligible ZIP codes can be found here.

Eligible businesses should apply as soon as possible on the Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity’s website.