Senator Holmes

AURORA – Assistant Senate Majority Leader Linda Holmes (D-Aurora) released the following statement after learning of the leaked Supreme Court decision to overturn Roe v. Wade:

"It’s a sad day when we find the progress we’ve fought so hard to make for women could now be reversed. What more fundamental right could exist in a democracy than the right to make our own decisions about our bodies without interference from the government?

"Generations of women -- and their daughters and granddaughters -- fought for these rights through most of the 20th century. Their work brought us to a safer standard for reproductive health care for all women. Taking away this hard-earned right will cost lives. Lower income women will feel they have no other option but to resort to dangerous and deadly procedures that killed thousands of women before Roe v. Wade was established.

"As a woman leader in the Illinois State Senate, I will continue to work to ensure the rights of Illinois women are defended. I am proud to live in a state that has taken many actions to ensure women's rights will be protected here."