road const 080320AURORA – Assistant Senate Majority Leader Linda Holmes (D-Aurora) is pleased to see nearly $1.6 million in Aurora-area road construction projects slated for this year as part of the state’s ongoing multi-year construction plan.

“This is the right time to see improvements to area infrastructure,” Holmes said. “These Rebuild Illinois projects will create new, well-paying jobs when we need them most; they will also facilitate commerce and transportation, while making needed updates to roads that will improve public safety.”

The Illinois Department of Transportation’s multi-year plan includes projects to improve the state’s infrastructure over the next six years. These projects were selected based on such criteria as pavement and bridge conditions, traffic volumes and history of accidents. They will create thousands of jobs statewide at a time when many Illinoisans are still struggling with unemployment due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Projects slated for Holmes’ district include:

  Description                                                                                                                                              Year/Investment

Montgomery Road at Waubonsee Creek: This multi-phase project begins with construction engineering to then replace the bridge; it includes replacing superstructure, widening and resurfacing the road, sidewalks and railings.

2021: engineering and construction



Farnsworth Ave at Indian Creek: This year’s phase is preliminary engineering for major bridge repair to begin next year, which will open up the waterway.

2021: engineering


2022-26: construction


US 34 (Ogden Ave. from Rickert to Feldott, Naperville: This year’s phase is land acquisition for another phase beginning next year to relieve a bottleneck and accident-prone area, with added and extended left turn lanes, resurfacing and bicycle and pedestrian traffic accommodation. 

2021: land acquisition


2022 – 2026: construction


When construction is underway, motorists should anticipate delays and may wish to seek alternate routes. Holmes encourages drivers to obey posted construction zone speed limits and watch out for workers on construction projects.

IDOT’s complete Multi-Year Plan can be found on its website.