Sen. Dave Koehler

SPRINGFIELD – State Senator Dave Koehler championed a measure to highlight future career opportunities for children with disabilities.

“This measure helps families and children with disabilities see the career options that are available to them,” said Koehler (D – Peoria). “Every child deserves additional opportunities outside the classroom.”

Individualized education plans – or IEPs – are plans that describe education instruction, support and services that students with disabilities are entitled to receive. Under House Bill 3224, students with IEPs and their parents would be provided information on the school district’s career and technical education and dual credit opportunities.

“By providing more information on these technical and dual credit opportunities, we are opening a door to possibilities these children didn’t know they had,” said Koehler. “This measure implements more communication between the instructor and the student, which will set them up for future success in the workforce.”

According to the National School Boards Association 2019 analysis, students with disabilities who were in career and technical educational programs had an 89% graduation rate nationwide during the previous school year, which was 20% higher than the overall graduation rate for students with disabilities.

House Bill 3224 passed the Senate Thursday.