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PEORIA – With the support of State Senator Dave Koehler, the Illinois Department of Transportation announced the Greater Peoria Mass Transit District – known as CityLink – will receive $5.3 million to improve transportation as part of the historic Rebuild Illinois capital program.

“Necessary infrastructure improvements like these are vital for our community’s well-being,” said Koehler (D-Peoria). “These investments provide a higher quality of life for residents in our community, as well as safe and efficient transportation throughout the Peoria area.” 

There are nearly 50 low-floor diesel-powered buses that will be replaced within CityLink’s fleet. The transit system has a total of 51 buses, with the other seven being hybrid and electric powered vehicles.

“CityLink is pleased to receive $5.3 million in funding from IDOT through the Rebuild Illinois Capital Program.  This funding will allow us to begin the process of replacing aging buses in our fixed route fleet. The majority of our current buses were purchased between 2011 and 2013, and many of them are reaching or exceeding their useful life expectancy” said CityLink General Manager Doug Roelfs. “Our plan is to begin procuring the purchase of four to five new battery-electric buses with advanced technology and environmental benefits.”

To find a full list of projects, visit IDOT’s website
