Senator Koehler


SPRINGFIELD – Thanks to legislation sponsored by State Senator Dave Koehler (D-Peoria), students with disabilities in Illinois and their families will be more fully informed of the resources available to them.

“Illinois provides a multitude of resources to students with disabilities,” Koehler said. “By ensuring residents are informed of available financial services, we can prevent additional burdens for individuals with disabilities and their families.”

Under Senate Bill 3474, school districts are required to provide informational material to the parent or guardian of students with disabilities about the Achieving a Better Life Experience account program.

The ABLE program aims to encourage and assist individuals and families in saving private funds to support individuals with disabilities to maintain health, independence and quality of life, and to provide secure funding for disability-related expenses to supplement insurance benefits and income.

“Students with disabilities overcome great challenges every day,” Koehler said. “By making sure these students and their families know about the resources available to them, we offer them an opportunity to get the most out of their education.”

Senate Bill 3474 passed out of the Senate on Wednesday and will now be considered in the House.
