Inernet Stock Koehler


PEORIA – State Senator Dave Koehler (D-Peoria) wants all Illinoisans to have access to reliable broadband internet, so he’s leading the charge to bring services to rural parts of the state.

“When it comes to internet access and connectivity, rural communities have been left behind,” Koehler said. “This has created an opportunity gap that only widens the longer we wait to implement real, lasting solutions.”

Nearly 1.5 million households across the state do not have high speed broadband, and rural Illinoisans are 10% less likely to have broadband than urban and suburban Illinoisans—an infrastructure gap that has been shown to have serious economic consequences.

Senate Bill 2247 establishes a tax credit equal to 15% of the cost of equipment and materials for businesses that provide broadband internet services in counties with fewer than 40,000 residents, or in townships with a population density of less than 50 households per square mile in counties with less than 300,000 people.

The legislation aims to encourage internet providers to offer high speed broadband in rural parts of the state, creating connections that will lead to more jobs, wealth, and public safety benefits for Illinois as a whole.

“This legislation has the potential to increase broadband access in nearly 70 counties in our state,” Koehler said. “By encouraging this investment in our rural communities, we will bolster local and state-wide economies and create opportunities for all Illinoisans.”

Senate Bill 2247 is assigned to the Senate’s Revenue Committee.
