Senator Koehler


SPRINGFIELD – Legislation sponsored by State Senator Dave Koehler (D-Peoria) that would ensure that special education students in Illinois are able to complete their schooling passed out of the Senate on Wednesday.

“Students all across Illinois have faced significant challenges over the last year as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic,” Koehler said. “It is no different for special education students, except that an interrupted school year may mean that they are unable to finish their education under current regulations.”

Current legislation states that students with disabilities may attend public school up to the day before their 22nd birthday. At that point, regardless of when that is in the school year, they are no longer eligible. This legislation would allow students who turned 22 between March 17, 2020 and the end of the 2021-2022 school year who faced 3 or more months of COVID-related interruptions to their education to finish their school year.

“Students of all ages and abilities deserve the same opportunities when it comes to their education,” Koehler said.

House Bill 2748 passed out of the Senate with 56 votes.
