Sen. Dave Koehler

SPRINGFIELD – On Wednesday morning, State Senator Dave Koehler (D-Peoria) held a press conference alongside State Representative Jay Hoffman (D-Belleville) and Illinois State Police Director Brendan Kelly to discuss his legislation to modernize Firearms Owner Identification cards in Illinois.

“Our goal is to ensure that we are keeping firearms out of the hands of people who are a danger to themselves and others,” Koehler said. “Our goal is not, however, to hassle safe, responsible gun owners. Through the modernization and streamlining of the FOID card process, I believe we can successfully accomplish both of our objectives.”

Senate Bill 1165, an initiative of the ISP, would create a prohibited persons portal to help law enforcement identify people whose FOID cards have been revoked, create a review board to respond to revocations and denials, and make other significant changes to make the process more efficient.

“Again and again, we see we should be using less of our resources on an antiquated, outdated, inefficient, ineffective renewal process from the 1960s and more on enforcement against real threats to public safety,” said ISP Director Brendan Kelly. “Our people believe in building a system that makes it hard for the bad guys and simple and safe for the good guys, but we need authority from the legislature to untangle, streamline and integrate the aging patchwork of FOID, concealed carry, and background checks if we are going to fulfill this mission.”

This legislation has been assigned to the Senate Executive Committee.